April Media Roundup

May 5, 2021

During the month of April, faculty and students from the DSPS were present on the media. Here's the roundup:

Planetary Health Research Digest

The Lancet | April 9, 2021
Assistant Professor Florian Weiler (DPP)

The Imperfect Equilibrium of Russian Civil–Military Relations

RUSI | April 12, 2021
PhD student Kirill Shamiev (PP track)

Marks That Matter: Slow Letters to Authors and Selves

E-International Relations | April 29, 2021
Assistant Professor Erzsebet Strausz (IR)

New performance-based funding model raises concerns about motive behind Hungary’s university reform

Science|Business | April 29, 2021
Professor Zsolt Enyedi (CEU Democracy Institute)

Graft fears as Hungary completes university privatisation

Times Higher Education | April 30, 2021
Professor Zsolt Enyedi (CEU Democracy Institute)

In Hungarian:

Orbán most már az egyetemeket is ellenőrzi

Klubradio | April 28, 2021
Professor Zsolt Enyedi (CEU Democracy Institute)

Több milliárd nő él időszegénységben a Földön

Qubit | April 6, 2021
PhD student Burtejin Zorigt (CP track)

Hiller István az egyetemi modellváltásról: A cél, hogy a Fidesz kormányváltás esetén is megőrizze a befolyását az intellektuális térben

atv.hu | April 30, 2021
Professor László Csaba (IR)

For more CEU on the media, click here: CEU in the International Media | Central European University.
