Cagla Deste Ekin Guner

Year of Enrollment: 
Departmental Affiliation: 
Political Science

Cagla Ekin Güner is a PhD candidate in Political Science at the Central European University (CEU), Vienna. Her thesis centers around the local-to-local comparison of local governance practices, with a particular focus on vocational training programs, and their impact on young refugees’ labor market integration patterns in Hamburg and Izmir. Her academic interests broadly include immigrant integration, local integration governance, labor market vulnerabilities and urban citizenship. In 2021/22, she acted as the student chair and in 2021/23 as a member of the organization committee the Political Economy Research Group (PERG), one of the most active research groups at the university. In addition to many teaching and research assistantships, she served as an external consultant for the International Labor Organization (ILO) during the writing phase of the World Employment and Social Outlook Report 2023. In 2021, she attended the 'EuroMedMig Mediterranean Region Migration Studies' doctoral level summer school organized by IMISCOE at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona. In the 2021/22 academic year, she was the assistant of the Turkish classes as part of the Socrates Project, which was ran by CEU and offered university-level courses in humanities and social sciences to adults who have been deprived of educational opportunities in the past. She is currently co-hosting a podcast, which aims to bring together academic perspectives on migration with personal migration experiences.


MA in Political Science, Specialisation in Political Economy, Central European University
BA in Political Science and International Relations, Bogazici University
Minor Degree in Economics, Bogazici University

Dissertation Topic

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